香 港 健 臨 藥 業 (集 團) 有 限 公 司

健臨品牌  家傳戶曉  草本精研  保健佳選

G06155 : (G06155) 康佳寶 Konkabao Stone Cl1ear 100s
(G06155) 康佳寶 Konkabao Stone Cl1ear 100s
商品条码 : 4260377061554


Modern people are living under unhealthy eating habit, ingesting excess bad cholesterol and exposed to environmental pollution. They are suffered from different health problems and they affect daily living and lower quality of life. This product has excellent protection function and all ingredients are all natural. One of the ingredients, uva ursi, is natural and helps to cleanse harmful residuals in human body. The other ingredient, cranberry, is the best antioxidant and has excellent purifying effects. This product helps to enhance immune, reduce the adhesion of harmful substances and maintain good health. 


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