香 港 健 臨 藥 業 (集 團) 有 限 公 司

健臨品牌  家傳戶曉  草本精研  保健佳選

G06154 : (G06154) 康佳寶 Konkabao Liveir Care 100s
(G06154) 康佳寶 Konkabao Liveir Care 100s
商品条码 : 4260377061547


現代都市人受各種有毒物質圍繞着日常生活,並消氈及削減他們的肝臟排毒功能·除此·工作緊張、應酬繁多及生活顛倒,亦令肝臟損耗過度。所以維護肝臟功能對身體健康是非常重要,讓肝臟有足夠休息,應從日常飲食保健開始。選捧肝臟保健產品,必須要天然、安全、有效及適宜長期服用,此產品是選用多種天然草本精華,適合關注肝臟健康人士選用,配方經多年研究, 對調節及維護肝臟功能有顯著功效,能改善身體新陳代謝,增強排毒功能 。

Modern life brings most people into exposure with external harmful substances that reduce their liver detox function. In addition, work anxiety, overloaded social entertainment or living inversion adversely affects their health of liver function. Therefore, maintaining liver function in state of good health is very important to human health. It is essential to give liver plenty of rest and reduce burden of the liver. Selection of health supplements is important and it must be natural, safe, effective and suitable for long term use. This product is made of numerous natural herbal ingredients and suitable for people who have concern on health of liver. This product has been developed from years of research and effectively regulates and promotes health of liver function. It also helps to improve body metabolism and enhance liver detox function. 


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