香 港 健 臨 藥 業 (集 團) 有 限 公 司

健臨品牌  家傳戶曉  草本精研  保健佳選

G06153 : (G06153) 康佳寶 Konkabao Healthy Heart 100s
(G06153) 康佳寶 Konkabao Healthy Heart 100s
商品条码 :4260377061530


Busy work, living with anxiety and academic pressure make people mentally exhausted It lowers their ability of concentration and memory which adversely affect their working and studying performance, or even their energetic interest and vitality. This product aims to provide for the brainworkers, diligent students who study hard or people working day and night reversed. It is a health tonic that improves heart health, concentration, memory and enhances working and study efficiency. It helps do more with less and save your energy to discover the beauty in the life. 


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