神農堂保胃丹是最馳名之腸胃良方,迄今爲止,已有近百年歷史。 生活作息不正常、壓力過大、飲食不定時、過饋過飽等等都會造成腸胃負擔,長此下去胃 腸功能受損,影響生理時鐘,擾亂代謝規律。 本產品消滯開胃,清熱止痛,緩解飲食不節、多食肥甘厚膩之物導致的積滯、消化不良、 胃痛肚痛及腹瀉。癥結皝除,胃口自開,致使腸胃回復正常運作。 The most famous formula for gastrointestinal problem of Shen Long Tong has been sole for nearly a hundred year. Abnormal lifestyle included over-high pressure, irregular diet, enduring hunger or eating too full, would cause gastrointestinal burden. In long run, the gastrointestinal function would be damaged, affecting biological clock and disrupt metabolism rules. This product can relieve stagnancy to whet the appetite, clear intestine heat to relieve pain. It can alleviate indigestion, stomach and abdominal ache and diarrhea caused by irregular diet or eating too much thick and greasy. As the crux is removed, appetite restores. The digestive system would return to normal.